Will Skipping An Oil Change Void Your Warranty?

Will Skipping An Oil Change Void Your Warranty?

If you want your car to perform its best and last longer, you must invest in regular care and maintenance. A regular oil change is one of the simple yet most important steps in the upkeep of your vehicle, ensuring that the internal components are functional and the engine is working, too. This article answers your questions about oil change and its impact on your warranty. Specifically, we’ll look into whether are oil changes covered under warranty and what will happen if you skip your scheduled oil change.

Key Takeaways

• An oil change is one of the necessary services for your vehicle maintenance and upkeep.
• Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the type of oil and the frequency of oil change.
• Skipping an oil change brings about certain risks, such as the possibility of engine trouble, reduced fuel efficiency, and inability to reach optimal performance.
• Some warranty providers could also void the warranty if they determine that your engine damage is due to a lack of oil change.

Will Skipping An Oil Change Void Your Warranty?

Are Oil Changes Covered Under Warranty?

Are oil changes covered under warranty? The short answer is no. Most car warranties do not include oil changes or other maintenance services or upkeep on your vehicle.

A typical warranty coverage includes the repair and replacement of covered components as detailed in your warranty plan. It also includes repair for parts with manufacturing defects or mechanical issues. Therefore, you cannot use your warranty to cover for routine services, like oil changes or tire rotations. The vehicle owner is solely responsible for these costs as they are not part of the warranty coverage.

Will Skipping an Oil Change Void Your Warranty?

Now that the first question is out of the way, here is another common one we have to address: will skipping an oil change void your warranty?

The short answer is no. You won’t have to worry if you skip your oil change schedule as it will not automatically void your warranty.

However, any damage to your car directly resulting from skipping an oil change can lead to a voided warranty.

Risks of Not Having Regular Oil Changes

Even if your warranty does not cover oil change, it’s essential to keep up with your oil change schedule. There are many drawbacks

Increased Risk of Engine Trouble

An oil change is a significant step in maintaining the engine’s condition. It is crucial for lubrication of the engine components, and when they are not properly lubricated, they could rub against each other and cause damage. Even when your oil level is high, if they are dirty, they could still cause engine trouble.

Waiting too long between oil changes can result in higher possibility of engine trouble. Therefore, skipping an oil change schedule is not recommended or it could lead to more significant problems down the road.

Lower Fuel Efficiency

Oil change can directly impact your car’s fuel efficiency. Without adequate lubrication from the engine oil, the engine components must work doubly hard to keep the vehicle running. And when the engine works harder, it consumes more fuel.

Reduced Performance

In relation to keeping your engine in good condition and improving fuel economy, skipping an oil change could lead to reduced overall efficiency and performance. If you want your car to perform optimally, you should keep up with the regular maintenance tasks, such as oil change.

Voided Warranty

A revoked warranty is another possibility that could result from skipping an oil change. To clarify from the information above, skipping an oil change won’t directly void your warranty. Instead, the negative effects of lacking oil change to your engine could result in your warranty claim being denied.

When Should You Have an Oil Change?

The frequency of your oil change depends on the manufacturer’s recommendation. Make sure to check your owner’s manual to know when it is time to schedule an oil change.

The recommended interval varies from one vehicle to another. Used cars will require more frequent oil changes than brand new ones. Also, the driving conditions can affect the frequency of your oil changes. For example, driving on dirt roads or areas with extreme temperatures will require more frequent oil changes than other driving conditions.

In summary, here are some tips to keep in mind about your oil change schedule:

• Age of Vehicle – Newer vehicles have engines that utilize oil more efficiently. Thanks to advancements in engine technology, you won’t have to change your oil more frequently. Therefore, owning a used or brand new car will determine the frequency of your oil change.
• Driving Habits – The way you drive your vehicle has an impact on the need for an oil change. Severe driving habits are harsher on your engine and need the oil to be replaced more often.
• Oil Type – It depends on whether you use conventional or fully synthetic oil. Conventional oil is the most popular as it consists of naturally occurring crude oil. However, it is known to cause reduced performance and shorter life span than other oil products. On the other hand, a fully synthetic oil is artificially manufactured but offers better heat resistance and engine protection to ensure a longer service life.

Will Skipping An Oil Change Void Your Warranty?

Does Changing Your Own Oil Void Warranty?

Vehicle owners like to change their own oil but many are worried that this practice could potentially void their warranty. Truth is, changing your own oil won’t void the warranty as long as they meet certain conditions.

When changing your own oil, you must follow the manufacturer’s procedure and the recommended oil. Using sub-standard products and oils can potentially damage your vehicle, which results in your voided warranty.

The next factor to consider when doing your own oil change is to maintain a detailed record. The document of your oil changes must note the date, mileage, and details about the oil and filter used. You will need this record when you must file a dispute or claim for your warranty.

Another thing to note is that you should be careful that you do not tamper with or modify any internal components when doing your own oil change. If there are any significant alterations to the engine and its components, it could lead to a voided warranty.

Final Thoughts

Whether missing an oil change voids your warranty or not, it’s essential to maintain the routine services that help to keep your car in good condition. An oil change is necessary because it provides lubrication for the internal engine components and prevent damage over time. Therefore, you must regularly change the oil to ensure they are functional and as part of preventive maintenance. It’ll save you thousands of dollars from unnecessary repairs or voided warranty!


Does missing an oil change void the warranty?

No, missing an oil change does not automatically void the warranty. However, if there is an engine trouble due to lack of maintenance and upkeep, such as missing an oil change, then it could be the reason for the denial of your warranty claim.

Does skipping service void warranty?

Dealers and warranty providers cannot void your warranty for skipping maintenance services. But as with the oil change, your chances of the claim being denied increases due to your negligence in caring for your vehicle.

Does using a different brand of oil void warranty?

It depends. Some warranty providers and manufacturers have recommendations on the type and brand of oil to use on your car. Failure to meet these requirements could result in a voided warranty.

How often should you change your oil?

It depends from one vehicle to another, and if you drive a brand new or used car. The driving conditions where you live can also be a factor. However, the rule of thumb is to have an oil change every 10,000 miles or once a year, whichever comes first.


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