winter jeep

How To Prepare Your Jeep For Winter Weather

How To Prepare Your Jeep for Winter Weather. Winter can be tough on vehicles, but your Jeep is built to handle challenging conditions. However, preparing your Jeep for winter weather is essential to ensure optimal performance and safety. Along with having an Extended Warranty, here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your Jeep ready for snow, ice, and freezing temperatures.

Check Fluid Levels

If you plan to spend long periods in cold areas during winter, we recommend changing your engine oil with a fresh batch. Cold temperatures can affect the viscosity of the oil, causing it to be thicker on cold starts and putting more stress on your engine during startup. Ensure you are allowing your vehicle to reach operating temperatures before driving off in order to preserve the longevity of your Jeep. Consult with your dealer or trusted independent service provider on whether or not you would benefit from using a winter specific oil to maintain your Jeep in the cold.

Test Your Battery

Like any preparation for long drives, you should always check the battery of your ride before going enduring below freezing temperatures. Your battery creates a chemical reaction that generates electrons for supplying power to various components of your ride. Lower temperatures slow down this process and make the battery less efficient. At 32°F, car batteries lose around 35% of their strength, while temperatures as low as 0°F cause them to lose more than half of their power.

Moreover, your engine works harder to start in the winter because of the effects on oil viscosity as mentioned above, resulting in more resistance to cranking.

prepare jeep winter
Invest In Snow Tires

One of the most vital winter upgrades is snow tires. It’s best to equip your vehicle with wheels that can dig into snowy roads and give your ride the proper traction it needs. These off-road tires are also suited for traversing wet and dry cold roads without much issue. These tires will give you a great advantage when it comes to Conquering Snowy Roads.

Winter tires have a deeper tread pattern for better braking and traction while on snow. Moreover, they are made of a rubber compound that remains soft and flexible even at cold temperatures. If you have a Rubicon, your tire tread may already be well suited for the snowy conditions, however the Sport, Sahara, and High-Altitude models typically come with a tread pattern less conducive to winter traction, so consider picking up a dedicated set of snow tires if you own one of these trim levels.

Inspect Seals

The rubber bushings, seals, and other related components of your ride are more prone to wear and tear during winter and cold climates. The cold temperature causes them to become brittle and may eventually crack over time.

We recommend inspecting the belts, boots, hoses, and other elastic parts of your ride. Scan the length of the belt for any Cracking, especially in areas where it turns over a pulley. You should also pay close attention to any torn strands on its edges as they can indicate the need for a replacement.

Maintain Heating System

Jeeps aren’t as insulated as other rides, regardless of whether you have a hardtop or soft top. The interior can get chilly fairly quickly due to the modular hardtop system. Fortunately, they have a very effective heating system that can warm the cabin interior and keep you and your passengers comfortable during winter drives.

Inspect the defroster and heating operation of your HVAC to see if they are functioning properly. If you feel lukewarm air from your ventilation, it could be due to a clogged heater core. However, if it blows out completely cold air, you may need to bring your Jeep to the mechanic for a quick fix.

jeep winter weather
Windshield And Wiper Blade Care

Inspecting your vehicle windshield is straightforward, all you need to look for are cracks that compromise its surface. Don’t just pay attention to large nicks, but also tiny chips that could lead to bigger damage. While these are small, it only takes a quick change in temperature or slight pressure for the crack to spread rapidly.

There are other preventive measures to maintain your windshield and its wiper blades. For instance, whenever you park your Jeep, pull the blades away to prevent ice buildup and sticking to the glass surface. You can also cover them with old tube socks to protect them from snow and freezing rain.

When a layer of snow has accumulated on your windshield, do not use your wipers to remove them. Instead, use your handy ice scraper or turn on your Jeep’s defroster to melt the ice. Avoid scraping aggressively, as it can cause severe damage. Moreover, use a pin to unclog windshield washer nozzles that have frozen.

Protect Your Floors

When you hop in and out of your Jeep, you bring in slush, snow and ice into the vehicle. This can damage your Jeep’s interior, so it’s best to use floor liners to protect your vehicle from damage. This will keep the interior of your Jeep clean and dry and can provide easier clean up when it comes to caring for your floorboards.

Pack Winter Supplies

It’s always helpful to carry winter supplies in your vehicle. If your vehicle gets stuck driving in deep snow, you can use a winter supply kit to stay safe and warm. Here are some items you can include in your winter kit.

  • Gloves. Especially during the wintertime, it is important to keep your hands warm. This will prevent frostbite and other issues that can harm your health. Remember to pack a couple of pairs of warm gloves in your Jeep.
  • Thermal blankets. In addition to your hands and feet, you need to keep the rest of your body warm in cold weather. Thermal blankets are more useful than regular blankets since the material traps and retains heat.
  • Snow chains. If you encounter deep snow, you can use snow chains to travel safely to your destination.
  • Water and non-perishable food. In case of an emergency, clean water and non-perishable foods are always useful and great to have in your Jeep.
  • Sand or kitty litter. While these might seem like odd items to keep in your Jeep, they are extremely useful during the winter. If your Jeep becomes stuck in the snow, you can use sand or kitty litter to provide traction for your tires.

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