Does Changing Exhaust Void Warranty?

Does Changing Exhaust Void Warranty?

All car parts have a limited lifespan. Most will require a replacement after some time; others more often than the rest. In the case of a car exhaust system, it plays an important role. How do you ensure that your vehicle runs efficiently with regards to your exhaust system? Does changing exhaust void warranty? And if so, how do you ensure that your exhaust system performs its best?

This guide has everything you need to know about your car’s exhaust system and why you should never neglect it.

Key Takeaways

• An exhaust system consists of various components that help convert harmful gases from the engine and release them from your vehicle through an exhaust pipe.
• Like any other vehicle components, the exhaust system could wear after some time and will require repair or replacement.
• Replacing your vehicle’s exhaust will not void your warranty, as long as the replacement meets the standards set by the warranty provider. Make sure only a professional does the installation to avoid engine damage.
• Replacing the exhaust system provides numerous benefits, such as reduced noise, higher fuel economy, and improved engine performance.

Does Changing Exhaust Void Warranty?

What is an Exhaust System?

An exhaust system for a vehicle consists of many parts and components. The exhaust manifold is the most crucial part because it collects the exhaust gases from each cylinder before they are released through an exhaust pipe.

It also consists of an oxygen sensor that is attached to the exhaust manifold to measure the amount of oxygen. Based on the data that the sensor detects, it adds or reduces fuel to maintain the ideal ratio.

Meanwhile, there is a catalytic converter that converts harmful gases from the engine into carbon dioxide in vapor form. There is also a muffler that reduces the noise of the exhaust as it escapes your vehicle. A damaged muffler results in a noisy operation.

And lastly, there is the exhaust pipe where the gases pass through as it is released from your vehicle.

Functions of an Exhaust System to Your Vehicle

The car’s exhaust system plays a vital role. Its primary job is to remove harmful gases that your engine produces. It removes the burnt fuel-air mixture from the engine and releases it through exhaust pipes. However, it has more functions than that. Here are the other functions of an exhaust system.

Release Harmful Gases

Gases from the burnt fuel-air mixture is collected on the exhaust manifold where it is directed onto a pipe out of the vehicle. Therefore, the manifold serves as a funnel wherein all exhaust gases go through before they are released into a pipe.

Boost Engine Performance

The exhaust system is crucial in maintaining the engine’s optimal performance. The longer the exhaust gases sit on your vehicle, the more harmful it is the engine and reduces its performance. With a properly working exhaust, the engine has more oxygen and is able to generate more power.

Improve Fuel Economy

With an improved engine performance, your vehicle can reduce its fuel consumption so you can get better mileage. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your exhaust system in top condition to maximize fuel economy.

Minimize Noise

When you remove the harmful elements from the gases that travel through your car’s exhaust pipes, it significantly dampens the sound they make when they pass through the muffler. It ensures a quiet operation for your vehicle.

Why and When to Get an Exhaust Replacement?

A vehicle’s exhaust system can experience wear over time. Since it processes harmful exhaust gases, you should not delay its repair or replacement because it can impact the engine and car’s overall performance.

Some cities or regions impose strict fines against vehicles that fail to meet safety road conditions and standards, which includes damaged exhaust. For this reason, you need to change exhaust, especially when there is water coming out from the exhaust.

Depending on the extent of damage, you could patch or weld onto small holes in the exhaust. But if there is extensive damage, you should replace them. You can determine when to replace an exhaust as part of your scheduled servicing and checkup. Your technician can inform you of the health condition of your exhaust so you know when to replace them.

Pros and Cons of Changing Exhaust System

Here are the pros of changing your car’s exhaust system:

• It improves the engine performance.
• It helps you save on fuel.
• It reduces climate change and environmental impact.
• It increases your car’s value.

Here are the cons of changing your car’s exhaust system:

• It is expensive.
• It requires a long time to install.
• It could void your warranty if not properly installed.

Does Changing Exhaust Void Warranty?

Does Changing Exhaust Void Warranty?

No, changing your exhaust will not void your warranty. Upgrading your exhaust if it’s damaged or need repair is important for the vehicle’s overall maintenance.

A warranty provider cannot use changing exhaust as a reason to void your warranty. However, you must review your warranty terms and the manufacturer’s specifications on which exhaust to use and where you can get them serviced. It will ensure that the exhaust change is done correctly and that it won’t cause backfiring and other potential damages due to incorrectly installed exhaust. If any of these happens, there is a ground for voiding your warranty.

It’s the same thing with installing a performance tuner to your vehicle. Even if this upgrade is designed to improve the vehicle performance, there are many aspects that it can indirectly impact that could be traced back to the tuning modification as a possible cause of failure. Does a performance tuner void your warranty? The answer is the same as with the exhaust modification, but it’s best to err on the safe side as it can be enough justification for warranty providers to deny your claim.

The Bottom Line

If you notice rust or excessively loud noise on the engine, it’s time to check your exhaust system. It might need repair or replacement. Don’t delay once you identify these signs because you need to have a functional exhaust system to keep your car in top condition. Otherwise, it could lead to more damage that will result in engine failure, or your warranty claim denied due to negligence in caring for your vehicle.


Does putting an aftermarket exhaust void the warranty?

No, it does not. However, many warranty terms indicate you should not use aftermarket exhaust or parts when upgrading your vehicle. The burden of proof lies on the warranty provider to show a link between the aftermarket part as being the direct cause of damage.

Is aftermarket exhaust bad for engine?

No, as long as it is the right exhaust for your engine and it is properly installed.

What happens if you don’t replace your exhaust?

The exhaust system performs a vital function so it should be in good condition. Failing to replace it when needed can cause dangerous emissions, lower mileage, and loud engine noises.

Want is the lifespan of a car exhaust?

The best quality exhaust have an average lifespan of five years.


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