Does An Aftermarket Oil Cooler Void Your Warranty

Does An Aftermarket Oil Cooler Void Your Warranty?

An oil cooler functions like a radiator, but the main function of this heat-exchanging device is to regulate the engine temperature by removing excess heat from the engine oil. The ability to do that depends on the type of oil cooler you use, and there are many options available. Is it worth upgrading to an aftermarket oil cooler? Does an aftermarket oil cooler void your warranty? Let’s go through the most important information you must know before you upgrade to help determine if it’s worth it.

Key Takeaways

• An oil cooler plays a vital role in promoting air flow and cooling the engine oil to perform optimally.
• If you’re buying an aftermarket oil cooler, consider the engine’s power output, the size of the engine compartment, and the oil capacity.
• Proper maintenance of the oil cooler and the oil components can promote a longer lifespan for the aftermarket oil cooler. It also prevents damage to the engine and other related components.
• Installing an aftermarket oil cooler that is properly installed and fitted for your vehicle won’t void your warranty. Make sure you choose the right oil cooler to avoid causing damage to the engine.

Does An Aftermarket Oil Cooler Void Your Warranty?

How Does an Oil Cooler Work

An oil cooler is a radiator-like component that is designed to keep your oil cool. It is made up of fins and tubes that maintain a positive airflow within the engine bay. Thus, you will often find it near the radiator or fans to facilitate the easy flow of air.

You must attach an oil cooler to an adapter to provide adequate pressure in the system. When oil passes through this system, it cools the oil before it is recirculated back to the engine.

The ideal engine oil operating temperature is 200-250 degrees F. If your oil reaches a temperature higher than this range, it starts to break down. When the oil is too thin and you lose pressure, it could result in major engine damage.

An oil cooler comes in to save the day. When the heat dissipates, it passes through an oil cooler and makes it back into the oil pan. Most coolers come with a thermostat to ensure that your vehicle maintains the ideal oil temperature.

When Do You Need an Aftermarket Oil Cooler?

Most cars have an engine oil cooler installed at the factory. If you have one, there is no need for an aftermarket oil cooler. But if not, you don’t necessarily need one if you use it for daily driving.

Automakers know which vehicles and engine types require more constant engine oil cooling. Therefore, you must check with your car manufacturer first if your vehicle needs one. You can also refer to the owner’s manual.

But there are cases wherein you need to upgrade with an aftermarket oil cooler. When in doubt, consult an expert mechanic to know what your vehicle needs to achieve optimal performance.

Choosing an Aftermarket Oil Cooler

If you’ve decided to buy an aftermarket oil cooler, it’s crucial to know how to go about choosing what’s right for your engine.

Choosing the configuration and size for the oil cooler depends on a few factors, such as the following:

• Oil capacity
• Engine’s power output
• Available space in the engine compartment
• Amount of airflow required
• Radiator size

The right sized oil cooler must fit within the engine compartment and promote efficient airflow. Make sure to add a thermostat if your existing oil cooler does not have one. When it comes to the design, you can choose from one- up to three-pass design. It indicates the number of times the oil will pass through before it goes back to the oil pan. Choose the higher number of passes to facilitate a more effective heat dissipation process.

Maintenance Tips for Oil Cooler

When you invest in an aftermarket oil cooler, you must know how to properly care for it so it can function effectively. Given the crucial role it plays in maintaining the ideal engine oil temperature, you have to take good care of your oil cooler for it to last long.

When you are using the OEM oil cooler, they tend to last through the vehicle’s lifespan. But if you’re using an aftermarket oil cooler, it lasts up to 10 years (or 50,000 miles).

It’s a good idea to regularly change the oil and filter to facilitate the maintenance of the oil cooler, as well as the engine. Bring your car in for a periodic check with an expert mechanic to identify any leaks or issues in the oil cooler that would need immediate repair. When there is excessive vibration or wear on the engine components, it becomes prone to leaking.

You know that your oil cooler is due for a repair when you notice that the transmission tends to overheat and the oil temperature reads uncharacteristically high.

Does An Aftermarket Oil Cooler Void Your Warranty?

Does an Aftermarket Oil Cooler Void Your Warranty?

Using an aftermarket oil cooler won’t automatically void the warranty. However, you must be extra careful when using aftermarket or non-factory components. If there is any damage to your vehicle due to these modifications, it could be a cause for your warranty to be void.

It is also worth noting that any damage to the affected parts that are not covered by the warranty won’t be repaired under your warranty. Therefore, you must cover for the repair out of your own pocket.

Are oil changes covered under warranty? It’s best to check with your warranty provider or manufacturer about what is included in your warranty coverage and what is not.

Final Thoughts

If you are driving a high-performance vehicle or you require more power, chances are you need an engine oil cooler to keep your engine running optimally. Even if you use your vehicle for daily driving, it won’t hurt to install an aftermarket oil cooler, especially if you don’t have one. However, you should only hire a professional mechanic to perform the installation to avoid causing damage to the engine and its internal components. It also saves you from the hassle of dealing with a denied warranty claim.


Is an oil cooler covered under warranty?

No. It is an external part that is mounted to the engine so it is not part of the warranty coverage for the engine or powertrain.

Are aftermarket oil coolers worth it?

An aftermarket oil cooler is a worthy investment if you drive in rough terrains or extremely hot conditions. These driving conditions require more engine power, which tends to heat your oil and engine faster.

Does an oil cooler extend oil life?

In some cases, yes. Using an oil cooler prevents the engine oil from getting too hot, allowing the engine to function optimally. It helps ensure that you can maximize the life of each oil change, which can reduce the frequency of an oil change.

Does oil cooler affect transmission?

Yes. If the oil cooler is not functioning properly or not properly fitted to your vehicle’s engine, it can lead to transmission problems that affect the entire vehicle’s operation.


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