Will A Supercharger Void Your Warranty?

Will A Supercharger Void Your Warranty?

Every car enthusiast desire to have more power and performance with their engine. It leads car owners to explore various aftermarket upgrades that will enhance the stock engine, giving it the power and capacity they desire. One such upgrade is adding a supercharger to your car’s engine, allowing you to optimize the engine’s performance by boosting the torque and horsepower. Before you make that upgrade, you must consider a few things, such as will a supercharger void your warranty or will this upgrade suit only select vehicles.

Everything you need to know about adding a supercharger to your car is right in this guide.

Key Highlights

• An aftermarket supercharger draws power from the engine’s crankshaft to power the compressor and introduce more compressed air into the engine. This process produces more power into the engine, increasing its overall performance.
• A supercharger upgrade won’t damage the engine or vehicle, as long as it is properly installed by an expert mechanic.
• While superchargers won’t cause damage to the engine when properly installed, it does add stress to the internal components, drivetrain and transmission.
• Consider the pros and cons of a supercharger to help determine if it’s worth upgrading to.

Will A Supercharger Void Your Warranty?

What is a Supercharger?

A supercharger is a popular modification in a car’s engine. It uses power from the engine’s crankshaft to power the compressor. Most superchargers use an accessory belt wrapped around a pulley that connects to a drive gear. This introduces compressed air into the engine and toward an intercooler system before it reaches the cylinder heads.

Adding more air means you can mix more fuel, which produces a larger combustion explosion. This gives your engine extra power boost, speed, and torque. As per the law of physics, more air and fuel equates to more power!

To generate continuous power, the supercharger spins pressurized air at a rapid pace, which is up to 65,000 rotations a minute. It runs faster than the engine itself!

Will Adding a Supercharger Damage Your Engine?

Don’t let the forums and threads scare you away from considering an aftermarket supercharger. The truth is, it will not cause damage to your vehicle and engine if installed correctly.

That said, you must choose an expert mechanic to install this upgrade to your vehicle’s engine if you need to boost its performance.

It’s worth noting that supercharging your car puts additional stress to your vehicle’s internal components. Make sure you evaluate your car’s condition before you decide to upgrade it with a supercharger. The vehicle’s engine must be able to handle the increased horsepower and torque. Otherwise, the structural integrity of the internal engine components could be at risk of damage, increasing the possibility of a voided warranty.

Aside from the engine components, you should also factor the impact of the supercharger upgrade to your drivetrain and transmission. In most cases, ECU tuning is required to accommodate the increased air flow and enhanced fuel delivery.

Superchargers have been around for as long as engines have been in the market. Even though they can boost your power, performance, and speed, you’re sacrificing fuel economy. If it’s a risk you are willing to take, then a supercharger is a great upgrade for your vehicle.

Will a Supercharger Void Your Warranty?

The addition of a supercharger to your engine is not enough to void a warranty. However, you must consider a few things because it can lead to complications when filing a claim for your warranty. The good thing is you’re protected by the law because if the repair does not affect the aftermarket part, then there are no grounds for the manufacturer or dealer to deny your warranty claim, especially involving a repair.

In other words, it is the dealer’s responsibility to prove that your supercharger upgrade contributed to the need for repair. It must specifically impact the part that you’re trying to get a repair coverage for.

But there is a lot that could potentially go wrong when installing a supercharger as it is placed onto the engine. And when the engine is involved, a lot of things could go wrong that could be attributed to the supercharger.

If you want to avoid this hassle, make sure that your supercharger is installed by an expert or a certified mechanic. They will know how to properly install this aftermarket upgrade to preserve your warranty protection.

Pros & Cons of Superchargers

Supercharger Pros

• Ability to boost power and speed
• Easy installation
• Offers more power than a turbocharger

Supercharger Cons

• Lower fuel economy
• Loud engine noise
• Expensive upgrade
• Will require additional modifications to your vehicle for installation

Will A Supercharger Void Your Warranty?

Is Adding a Supercharger Worth It?

There are many ways to enhance the power and performance of your vehicle. Superchargers is just one of many options.

Before considering adding a supercharger, make sure you’ve considered other modifications that have a lesser impact on the engine. Turbochargers are also equally popular, and they are excellent for economy cars and trucks.

Consult with an expert who can give you a more informed advice on the best ways to boost your car’s performance without compromising your extended warranty coverage.


Does a supercharger decrease reliability?

Yes, it can. Performance motors, unless designed and installed by the manufacturers, will affect the vehicle’s reliability. The general principle is as the performance increases, the reliability decreases.

Will a supercharger damage my engine?

Superchargers work by increasing air, but over-boosting the engine with hot air can and will potentially cause damage to the engine.

Do superchargers shorten battery life?

No, superchargers don’t directly impact the battery, as they are connected with the internal combustion engine.

Are superchargers high maintenance?

Supercharger require less maintenance than turbocharger, and are less prone to breaking down. With required modification to the exhaust, superchargers can be bolted to the top of the engine, opposite to the turbocharger.

How much HP will a supercharger add?

When connected to the engine intake, supercharger can amp up your engine for an extra 50 to 100 horsepower.


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